Every weekend we're watching movies together...whether you're in Pennsylvania USA, or Sydney Australia. It's a throwback! Back to the days when you had the anticipation for waiting till the weekend to see the classic horror or science fiction film that was listed in the TV Guide. The plan is to watch a movie at 7:30PM on Saturday night in your own time zone. Or, if you can't Saturday night...anytime during the weekend. Then, we'll all get together and e-mail our thoughts on the film...a few paragraphs...or simply a sentence if you'd like. They after-viewing reviews appear first on our Creepy Classics/Monster Bash News Page. See the latest thoughts posted by viewers ther now.

Concept submitted by Mike Adams of Cartaret, New Jeresey.

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MOVIE OF THE WEEK: Saturday October 20, 2012 - MOVIE - Thriller "LET'S SCARE JESSIA TO DEATH" (1971). Stars Zohra Lampert, Barton Heyman, Kevin O'Connor and Grtchen Corbett. A woman and a group of friends go to a remote coastal town to relax after mental problems. This is not the place to do it. Unknown, netherworld activity displays images...not quite right. People look strange, whisper and glimpses of the living dead are everywhere. Some of the most frightening and unsettling scenes ever filmed (without gore) fill this movie. If you want to get creeped out...try watching this alone, very late at night. Good luck. Suggested by Brian Nichols,TX.

Hey Bash Synchers,

This could have been called "Let's Bore Ken to Sleep". Sure it was creepy, but it moved like molasses. Reminded me of the art house pictures that stuffed shirt critics love but they make you wonder if there is some sort of conspiracy or something. Why are these films considered great? There were a lot of movies like this in the early 70s, folks must have had patience all of a sudden to sit through this. One could say I am jaded by the current style of movie making, but we can look back to our favorite classics and compare, we would see most of our favorites move along at a nice pace. This films attempt to be artsy and scary at the same time didn't cut it for my taste. Looking forward to the Wolfman!


Let's Scare Jessica to Death is one movie that always gets under my skin. Eerie, exceedingly creepy and often dreamlike. I first saw this one TV back in the late 70s, while my Mom and Dad were out in the living room playing cards with friends. During commercial breaks I'd walk out to see how the game was going; in truth, I was pretty scared and wanted to be around some other people!


The ghost/vampire woman walking out of the lake always makes me shudder.


LSJTD is definitely an acquired taste. As for me, I like a slow-moving, dreamlike movie.

Brian Nichols, Texas


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